Opening hours

Tuesday-Wednesday: 9.00-16.00
Thursday-Saturday: 10.00-18.00
Sunday: 10.00-16.00
Tuesday-Wednesday: 9.00-16.00
Thursday-Saturday: 10.00-18.00
Sunday: 10.00-16.00
Entrance tickets are available at the cash desks in the Officer Cadets School, the Old Orangery and the Kubicki Stables.
Hours of breaks at the museum ticket offices:
Officer Cadets School: Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday: 13.30-14.00; Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 14.30-15.00.
Old Orangery: Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday: 14.00-14.30; Thursday, Friday: 15.00-15.30; Saturday: 15.30-16.00.
Kubicki Stables: Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday: 13.00-13.30; Thursday, Friday: 14.00-14.30; Saturday: 14.00-14.30.
The cash desks are open an hour less than the museum buildings. The ticket machines are located in the Officer Cadets School, the Old Orangery, the Kubicki Stables and the Cantonists’ Barracks.
The Museum is partly adapted to the needs of disabled persons (the temporary exhibitions room, the room "Eyeball to Eyeball" and "Forest".
The Museum of Hunting and Horsemanship is open for visitors on:
Good Friday
1 May – Labour Day
3 May – Constitution Day
15 August – Armed Forces Day/Assumption of Mary
11 November – Independence Day
The Museum of Hunting and Horsemanship is open for visitors on:
1 January – the New Year
6 January – Epiphany
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Corpus Christi
1, 2 November – All Saints’ Day
24 December – Christmas Eve
25 and 26 December – Christmas
31 December – New Year’s Eve