for Photographing and Videotaping

We are extremely pleased that you have decided to visit us and we wish you an enjoyable stay on the premises of the Royal Łazienki. For the sake of your safety and for the preservation of nature, the art works and architecture as well as for the comfort of other visitors, you are requested to comply with the present Rules.
1. On the Museum’s premises, it is permitted to photograph and videotape for private purposes*, provided that it is in accordance with applicable laws and the Museum’s internal regulations, it does not endanger plants, animals and infrastructure, impede tourist traffic or disturb other visitors, or violate the Museum’s personal and legal rights.
2. Photographing and videotaping on the Museum premises for purposes other than private is permitted after obtaining permission of the Museum’s Director, the Vice-Director or an authorized employee of the Museum, and for a fee specified in the Museum’s price list or otherwise by the Museum, with the exception referred to in section 5.
3. Photographs and videos captured on the Museum premises can be used for private purposes exclusively, provided that it is in accordance with applicable laws and the Museum’s internal regulations and does not violate the Museum’s personal and legal rights.
4. Using photographs and videos captured on the Museum premises for purposes other than private, including photographs and videos featuring interiors and the external form of the buildings requires permission from the Museum’s Director, the Vice-Director or an authorized employee of the Museum and payment of a fee specified in the Museum’s price list or otherwise by the Museum.
5. Photographing and videotaping inside of the Museum’s facilities with additional lighting, stands and other accessories needed for professional photographing and videotaping is allowed after prior submission of a list of the equipment to be used and its approval by the Museum, and provided that the conditions set out in section 2 are met.
6. Carrying out wedding photoshoots in the gardens of the Museum’s does not require payment of a fee, however it is permitted in the interiors of the Museum’s facilities only if the conditions specified in section 2 are met.
7. The use of the image and logo of the Museum in photographs and videos requires a permission from the Museum’s Director, the Vice-Director or an authorized employee of the Museum, and payment of a fee specified in the Museum’s price list or otherwise by the Museum.
8. The permission from the Museum’s Director, the Vice-Director or an authorized employee of the Museum and the approval of the list of equipment, referred to in section 5, should be obtained and submitted as hard copy or via email.
9. The Museum reserves the right to restrict photographing exhibits not belonging to the Museum.
10. Photographing and videotaping elements of the security systems is prohibited.
11. Flying drones and other devices is prohibited over the entire premises of the Museum, i.e. the garden and the facilities.
12. Individuals photographing and videotaping on the Museum’s premises are obliged to follow the instructions of the security personnel and the supervision staff of the Museum’s facilities. Qualified Museum’s security personnel has the right to intervene and request individuals not complying with these regulations to leave the Museum’s premises.
13. Individuals photographing and videotaping on the Museum’s premises are requested to comply with guidelines and remarks of the Museum’s personnel responsible for the safety of the monuments and gardens of the Museum.
14. Entering the Museum’s premises is tantamount to accepting these regulations.
*Private or personal use includes use of single copies of works by a group of individuals who are related, especially by blood or marriage, or who are in a social relationship (Article 23 of the Act of 4th February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights).