The Royal Łazienki with a prestigious distinction

The Royal Łazienki Museum was awarded the certificate of 2023 Best Tourist Product of the Mazovian Voivodeship. The competition is coordinated by the Mazovian Regional Tourist Organisation.
The competition for the Best Tourist Product has been organised since 2004. It is designed to promote the most attractive, innovative and tourist-friendly products. Submitted candidate products are divided into five categories: periodical event, tourist event, facility, trail and site. The prizes in the competition are the Best Tourist Product certificates. The distinctions were awarded to this year’s laureates from Mazovia on 28 September 2023 at a gala event. The certificate awarded to the Royal Łazienki Museum was received by Aleksandra Padło, attorney-at-law of the Royal Łazienki Museum.
The jury decided that, in addition to the Royal Łazienki Museum, the best tourist products of the Mazovian Voivodeship in 2023 were also: The event ‘It started in Radom – Radom’s June of Freedom’, the Norblin Factory Museum, the permanent exhibition of the Mazovian Museum in Płock ‘Art of the Interwar Period – Art Déco’, the Wkra Trail and the manor and park complex with the Museum of Positivism.
Following the awards, all certified tourist products become part of the promotional programme of the Polish Tourist Organisation.