Classes for schools in the Education Zone. Students like royal artists

Photo by Paweł Czarnecki

Students of primary schools, high schools and secondary schools are invited to classes in the Moulding Shop situated in the Education Zone in the Old Orangery. Everyone will have a chance to feel like a royal artist and make a plaster cast.

The Moulding Shop in the Old Orangery is an artistic workshop alluding to the 18th century workshop where plaster copies of Ancient and Modern sculptures were made. Connected with the Royal Sculpture Gallery, it forms a remarkable zone of education, which alludes to the King’s idea to provide practical education to future artists.

Classes for primary school, high school and secondary school students will take place in the Moulding Shop and the Royal Sculpture Gallery from Tuesday to Sunday (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) Student entry to a two-hour meeting costs PLN 18; carers participate free of charge. Registration: or 22 50 60 028.


In the Royal Moulding Shop – primary schools
During our visits to the Old Orangery, we will become acquainted with the most important works from the collection of sculptures of Stanisław August. We will learn about the source of popularity of plaster casts in 18th century collections of European monarchs. We will also learn where plaster comes from and how it differs from marble, in order to try our hand in the Royal Moulding Shop.

During the workshops, students will become acquainted with Stanisław August’s court artists and learn how to distinguish between different art techniques and describe workshops of sculptors and moulders. They will also know how to describe sculptures and plaster casts.

Struggles with Matter – high schools
During our stroll around the Royal Sculpture Gallery, we will examine effigies of Ancient emperors, mythological gods and heroes. We will first learn how copies of Ancient sculptures affected the perception of the world by people living in the 18th century, and then – like moulders – make our own plaster copies of chosen motifs or ornaments.

By participating in the workshops, students will be able to characterize the most important mythological figures. They will also discover sculpting and plaster casting techniques, and learn how to make casts by themselves.

Inspired by the Antiquity – secondary schools
The collection of sculptures gathered by Stanisław August was intended to play a key role in educating future generations. In the Royal Sculpture Gallery in the Old Orangery, we will learn about the rules of composition and the golden ratio, discuss the canon of beauty as well as Ancient patterns, and later discover in practice the 18th century workshop of an artist and moulder.

After participating in the workshops, students will be able to characterize mythological figures. They will learn how Antiquity was perceived in the 18th century and in the modern times, understand the role played by copies of Ancient sculptures, and become acquainted with the technology of preparing plaster casts.

Photo by Paweł Czarnecki
Photo by Paweł Czarnecki
Photo by Paweł Czarnecki
Photo by Paweł Czarnecki
Photo by Paweł Czarnecki
Photo by Paweł Czarnecki