Bust of Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski (1888-1974) is located near the Myślewicki Palace. The bronze bust stands on a granite pedestal.

It was made by a well-known contemporary sculptor, Andrzej Renes. The monument is dedicated to the creator of the Central Industrial Region and initiator of the expansion of the Port of Gdynia, Polish Minister of Industry and Commerce, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Treasury in the Inter-War Period. During his terms in the office, Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski lived in the Myślewicki Palace.

The bust was unveiled in 2002 on the occasion of the Resolution by the Polish Parliament declaring the Year of Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski. During the ceremony, the bust was blessed by Bishop Marian Duś. The sculpture is situated in front of the Bust of Lieutenant Piotr Wysocki, the leader of the November Uprising. Both monuments symbolically express two complementary ideas that are important for our nation. The first one is associated with the fight for the country’s independence, and the second one – with its reconstruction.