“Symbol of Warsaw”. The Royal Łazienki in the eyes of the visitors

The Royal Łazienki Museum is a symbol of Warsaw which most strongly anchored in the consciousness of Varsovians and residents of surrounding areas, according to a survey by Difference firm, carried out as part of the “2023 Development of Creative Sectors” programme.
The main objective of the project “Research on the Potential of the Royal Łazienki Museum in the Context of the Development of a Multimedia and Performance Series on ‘November Night’ by Stanisław Wyspiański”, was to assess the Royal Łazienki brand; the project was implemented as part of the “2023 Development of Creative Sectors” programme by the Centre for the Development of Creative Sectors, and funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
The conclusions of the questionnaires completed by the 1,200 visitors are as follows:
►The Royal Łazienki Museum is the symbol of Warsaw which is most strongly anchored in the consciousness of Varsovians and residents of surrounding areas; it is evoked more often than the Royal Castle or the Palace of Culture.
►The Royal Łazienki Museum is a very popular venue, both among Varsovians and the residents of suburban towns and villages.
►The Royal Łazienki Museum is visited by all Varsovians, regardless of gender, age or level of education.
► One in four Varsovians visits the Royal Łazienki Museum once a month or more often.
►The Royal Łazienki Museum strongly reflects the need to socialise, i.e. to spend time together. It is a place usually visited in the company of another adult or children, and to a lesser extent chosen for solitary walks.
►Relaxation and leisure are the most distinctive features of the Royal Łazienki Museum as an ideal place to enjoy a pleasant visit.
►The Palace on the Isle and the Old Orangery are the most frequently recognised buildings on the premises of the Royal Łazienki Museum.
►The Royal Łazienki Museum is primarily associated with green walking areas and the museum’s offer is highly valued through the prism of the gardens. Varsovians and the residents of surrounding areas have little knowledge of the historic buildings situated on the premises of the Royal Łazienki Museum.
Visitors were also asked how they perceived the open-air theatre performance of Stanisław Wyspiański’s ‘November Night’, staged in the Łazienki gardens. According to the results of the survey, the reception of the show – as being part of the museum offer – is very positive and that attending the show is seen as a unique experience.
The survey carried out by Difference firm was designed to better assess the needs of those who regularly use the cultural offer of the capital city. The positive reception of the ‘November Night’ and the interest in subsequent editions of the performance are important from the perspective of development of a multimedia and performance series based on the drama of Stanisław Wyspiański.
Seminar, show, workshops
The survey mentioned above was presented at the seminar ‘Art vs. Art’, which focused on the presentation of Stanisław Wyspianski’s work in the Royal Łazienki Museum; it crowned the project within the ‘Development of Creative Sectors’ programme. The meeting was attended among others by eminent specialists and theatre artists: Szymon Kuśmider (Teatr Polski im. A. Szyfman in Warsaw), Leszek Zduń (Teatr Klasyki Polskiej), Associate Professor Jagoda Hernik Spalińska (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Art) and Rafał Węgrzyniak (Instytut Teatralny im. Z. Raszewskiego in Warsaw).
A closer presentation of the oeuvre of Stanislaw Wyspianski was offered by the show ‘Didaskalia Wyspiańskiego’ (Wyspiański’s Stage Directions) at the Royal Theatre held as part of the project. Outstanding actors read rhymed works to the accompaniment of contemporary music. The unique evening of poetry was directed by Szymon Kuśmider.
Training workshops using the Design Thinking technique were also part of the project. The staff of the Royal Łazienki Museum prepared for the development of the new museum offer in interdisciplinary teams. It will be based, among other things, on the survey conducted within the project “Research on the Potential of the Royal Łazienki Museum in the Context of the Development of a Multimedia and Performance Series on ‘November Night’ by Stanisław Wyspiański”.