Savoir vivre

We are extremely pleased that you have decided to visit us and we wish you an enjoyable stay on the premises of the Royal Łazienki. For the sake of your safety and for the preservation of nature, the art works and architecture as well as for the comfort of other visitors, you are requested to comply with the present Rules.
1. 1. The Royal Łazienki Museum is a monument entered into the Register of Monuments and on the list of Historic Monuments. It is subject to legal protection under the Protection of Monuments and the Guardianship of Monuments Act of 23 July 2003 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2067 as amended), the Nature Conservation Act of 16 April 2004 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1614 as amended) and the Animal Protection Act of 21 August 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1840 as amended) and other generally applicable provisions of law.
1. 2. These Gardens Rules have been issued pursuant to the provisions of the Statutes of the Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as: "Museum") laid down by way of ordinance of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (Official Journal of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of 22 December 2017, item 92).
1. 3. The Gardens and the buildings of the Museum are under constant supervision.
1. 4. Entry into the Gardens is free.
1. 5. Visitors are required to use the Museum’s Facilities and Gardens with due caution, bearing in mind that they represent a historic value, and in such a way as to prevent any damage.
1. 6. Visitors are required to respect the nature and animals living on the premises of the Museum Gardens. It is in particular forbidden to inflict pain or suffering on animals and to viciously frighten or tease them.
2. 1. The Gardens are open to visitors every day from dawn until dusk.
2. 2. Visitors should walk on designated paths.
2. 3. Visitors may step off the designated paths of the Gardens at their own sole responsibility, subject to the following safety provisions:
- The Museum reserves the right to prohibit visitors from entering specified locations, in particular under the crowns of trees posing a threat to safety and during storms and tempests. The Museum will inform visitors about such restrictions by placing appropriate notices near restricted locations;
- Visitors are required to exercise appropriate caution as is necessary when in contact with wild nature.
2. 4. Jogging on the premises of the Gardens is permitted during its opening hours.
2. 5. Visitors to the Gardens should not:
- Feed animals with processed food (bread, cookies, dinner scraps) or food prepared with salt;
- Touch animals, especially squirrels, peacocks and foxes (when scratched or bitten by an animal, please immediately contact the Museum Security Service or seek medical attention);
- Remain in the Gardens during storms or heavy winds.
2. 6. In the Gardens, it is prohibited to:
- Ride on bicycles, roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, scooters, etc.;
- Disturb silence and engage in other behaviour interfering with other guests’ visits or leisure;
- Consume alcohol outside areas designated for that purpose (restaurants, cafés and other sites designated by the Museum);
- Play football;
- Drop litter;
- Start or use fire, including making barbecues.
- Bring animals;
- Abandon animals;
- Enter water reservoirs, as well as climb on trees;
- Walk on ice in water reservoirs in winter;
- Fish;
- Breach the 15 meters of the protection zone from the marked nature monuments - no entry, no sunbed in order to protect the root system of the oldest trees;
- Enter and sit on sculptures, balustrades, cornices and other places not intended for this;
- Damage trees, shrubs, lawns and elements of small architecture;
- Pick fruit and mushrooms.
2. 7. Consent of the Museum is required for:
- Organising public meetings, fund-raising;
- Organising events, conducting commercial activities, displaying advertisements and announcements;
- Doing other sports than individual jogging;
- Driving into the Gardens with mechanical vehicles.
2. 8. Children up to the age of 13 may stay on the premises of the Gardens exclusively under the supervision of adults.
3. 1. The Museum, including the Gardens, is protected by the internal security service acting pursuant to the Protection of Persons and Property Act of 22 August 1997.
3. 2. Visitors are required to follow instructions given by the internal security service and the Museum staff, including in matters not covered by the Gardens Rules.
3. 3. Visitors who disturb peace and order and fail to comply with the Gardens Rules may be required to leave the Gardens without reimbursement of the cost of entry tickets to the Museum buildings or tickets to events organised on the premises of the Gardens or in the Museum buildings.
3. 4. The Museum shall not be liable for infringements of visitors’ personal interests by third parties, including damage incurred as a result of recording and using their image.
3. 5. The Museum shall not be liable for objects left in the Gardens by visitors.
3. 6. The Museum shall not be liable for incidents arising from non-compliance with the Gardens Rules.
3. 7. In accordance with Resolution No. 186/13 of 25 November 2013 and Resolution No. 162/13 of 28 October 2013 adopted by the Mazowieckie Province Assembly (Sejmik Województwa Mazowieckiego) it is allowed to use combustion blowers or other mechanical equipment for maintenance purposes in the Gardens. Visitors are requested to exercise due caution in areas of equipment operation.
3. 8. By entering the premises of the Museum you accept the Gardens Rules without any reservations.
We will appreciate any comments relating to your visit and we remain open to any remarks or suggestions. Please email us at: recepcja@lazienki-krolewskie.pl or send us a letter to: Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie w Warszawie, ul. Agrykola 1, 00-460 Warszawa.